Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mankind becomes an Endangered Species

The issue of climate change is brutally severe for every man, woman and child despite where you are or where you come from. Both our health and safety are in massive jeopardy. Raising sea levels threaten every coast line, powerful storms and floods threaten every continent. There has been an increase in droughts and crops which breed hunger and conflict. There are so many big issues but America and all nations around the world, regardless of how big or small, must band together for this common cause. Worker’s rights, health care reform, predatory lending, education, auto market and Wall Street combined still does not have the potential to destroy the American society and every other nation like climate change. Hey you don’t believe me, then just turn on your television to the news. Better yet let me help you, just click the link: http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/09/22/obama.climate.change/index.html#cnnSTCVideo

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